Saturday, February 4, 2017

Get tough

Real Cool Time, 1/31/2017: Rocky's Superbowl party--Falcons vs. Patriots. Also streams and downloads at our CIUT show page for one week following the broadcast.


*The Sadies–The First Five Minutes 

The Woggles–Get Tough
The Above–Georgia Peach
The Apollos–Laugh In My Face   
The Stone Cutters--Fellow Slave 
The Falcons–I Gotta See Her 
*The Plague–High Flying Bird 

The Swinging Iggies featuring Gar Francis--Lady Gaga 
Ad: Pepsi
*The Secrets–Shout
*The Viletones–Kick Out The Jams
*The Marvelous Beauhunks–Kickin’ Around
Big John Bates—Wide Open Blues 
*Don Norman and the Other 4–The Bounce 

The Locker Room Lovers–The Patriot 
The Royal Aircoach–Wondering Why 
The Lost–No Reason Why 
The Remains–Time Of Day
Lyres–Don’t Give It Up Now
*Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet–Exit From Vince Lombardi High

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